Main types of Penguins
Emperor Penguin Facts
Emperor Penguins are the largest of all penguins
They are only found in Antarctica and are the only penguin species that breeds during the Antarctic winter
Maximum lifespan around forty years, but average of only twenty
Eat crustaceans, fish, and squid
Begin breeding at the age of five
Not actually royalty
Emperor Penguin Life Cycle
Little Blue Penguin Facts
Little Blue Penguins are the smallest of all penguin species
Also known as Fairy Penguins or Blue Penguins
Breads along the coast of New Zealand, the Chatham Islands, Tasmania, and Australia
Little Blue Penguin Pictures
Rockhopper Penguin Facts
Also known as Southern Rockhopper Penguins
Breeds in colonies
Rockhopper Penguins have a population of about 3.5 million pairs
Population has fell
24% in the last thirty years
Chinstrap Penguin Facts
Found in the Antarctica, South Shetland, Bouvet Island, South Georgia, Balleny and Peter I Island
Also known as Ringed Penguins, Bearded Penguins, or Stonecracker Penguins
They mainly eat krill and small fish
Can swim up to 20
miles per hour
King Penguin Facts
Second largest penguin species
Can dive far deeper than most other penguins to find food
Eat small fish and
Gentoo Penguin Facts
Fast underwater swimming penguins
Can swim at 36 kilometers per hour
Main colonies on the Falkland Islands, Kerguelen Islands, and South Georgia
General Penguin Facts and Information
Penguins are birds.
Penguins mate for life.
Penguins lay eggs.
Though they have wings, penguins do not fly; they swim.
Penguins use their wings as flippers to help them swim better.
Penguins can swim for around 15 miles per hour.
A group of penguins is called a colony, or rookery.
Penguins eat fish, squid, and shrimp-like krill.
Penguins are from the order Sphenisciformes and family Spheniscidae.
Penguins spend about half of their life in the water, and half on land.
Penguins are camouflaged. Predators looking up at a penguin in the water has a hard time seeing their white front against the reflective ocean surface, while a predator from above has difficulty seeing their black back against the dark ocean depths.
Penguins can drink salt water, because their body can filter salt out of their bloodstream.
A penguin named "Tux" is the mascot for the Linux operating system.